
Dongchan Min

About Me

My name is Dongchan Min. I am a Master's student at Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (MLAI) Lab in Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), under the supervison of Prof. Sung Ju Hwang.

My research interests are mainly focused on developing novel models and algorithms for solving practical problems in the deployment of artificial intelligence systems in a variety of real world applications. I am currently interested in following topics: Multi-modal generative models including the use of computer vision and speech, Few-shot generation and Meta-learning.

I finished my B.S degree at KAIST in 2020, majoring in Electronic Engineering & Business Management

My life motto is...
Strive for Greatness - LeBron James
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Meta-StyleSpeech Meta-StyleSpeech : Multi-Speaker Adaptive Text-to-Speech Generation
Dongchan Min, Dong Bok Lee, Eunho Yang, and Sung Ju Hwang
ICML 2021
[paper] [project page]
Meta-GMVAE Meta-GMVAE: Mixture of Gaussian VAEs for Unsupervised Meta-Learning
Dong Bok Lee, Dongchan Min, Seanie Lee, and Sung Ju Hwang
ICLR 2021